cs285-lec10-optimal control and planning


Model-based Reinforcement Leanring

learn the transition probability, then figure out how to choose actions.


closed-loop: agents take one action per state.

open-loop: agents take all actions once receiving a state.

Open-loop Planning

Random Shooting Method

Let’s say J(A)J(A) is some method to evaluate the rewards we could get, and AA is the action set. Then the objective of optimal planning is:

A=arg maxAJ(A)A = \argmax_A J(A)

So the random shooting method is simply guess & check:

  1. pick A1,A2,,ATA_1, A_2, \dots, A_T from some distribution (eg: uniform)
  2. choose AiA_i based on arg maxiJ(Ai)\argmax_iJ(A_i)

Advantage: efficient (could evaluate AiA_i in parallel), simple
Disvantage: might not take good actions

Cross-entropy Method (CEM)

Improve the step1 in Random Shooting Method, use better distribution to pick AA

  1. sample A1,,ANA_1, \dots, A_N from p(A)p(A)
  2. evaluate J(A1),,J(AN)J(A_1), \dots, J(A_N)
  3. select the elites Ai1,,AiMA_{i_1}, \dots, A_{i_M} that have highest value, where M<NM < N
  4. refit p(A)p(A) to the elites Ai1,,AiMA_{i_1}, \dots, A_{i_M}

repeat this process until some condition.

Ususally we use Gaussian Distribution to start.

Advantage & Disadvantage about RSM and CEM

Advantage: fast if run in parallel, and very simple
Disvantage: could only work when dimension is small (no more than 30~60), only work for open-loop planning

Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)

Discreate planning, MCTS runs as follows:

  1. find a leaf sls_l using TreePolicy(s1s_1)
  2. evaluate the leaf using DefaultPolicy(sls_l)
  3. update all values between s1,sls_1, s_l

repeat the above process and take the best action from s1s_1

Usually the TreePolicy is UCT TreePolicy: if sts_t is not fully expanded, choose new ata_t, otherwise choose child with best Score(st+1)\text{Score}(s_{t+1})
We calculate Score\text{Score} by:

Score(st)=Q(st)N(st)average rewards+2C2lnN(st1)N(st)rarely visited nodes\text{Score}(s_t) = \underbrace{\frac{Q(s_t)}{N(s_t)}}_{\text{average rewards}} + \underbrace{2C\sqrt{\frac{2\ln N(s_{t-1})}{N(s_t)}}}_{\text{rarely visited nodes}}

MCTS is used mostly in board games like chess etc.

Trajectory Optimization with Derivatives