Unsupervised machine learning models

Hierarchical Clustering


Consider all the samples as one cluster, then split into sub-clusters depending on distances.


Consider each sample as one cluster, then combine the nearest into one cluster.


NP-hard problem


  1. Select k random nodes as the center of clusters
  2. For the rest of n-k samples, calculate the distance between the sample with the centers
  3. Classify the sample to the nearest cluster
  4. Re-calculate the center of the clusters
  5. Repeat 3-4 until the centers don’t change anymore

How to decide the first centers
The randomly selected nodes as first centers would influence the results of the clusters.


  1. Select the initial centers for multiple times
  2. Use hierarchical clustering to find k clusters, and then use them as the initial centers.

How to choose k
If not decided by business rules, then use elbow rule.
Draw a linear picture between values of k and diameter of clusters:

Elbow Rule

The x is the values of k, and the y is the diameter of the clusters, eg, the sum of the square distance between points in a cluster and the cluster centroid.

From the picture above, the best value of k is 3.

Other Improments for K-Means

Sensitive to Initial Values

Sensitive to Noise and Outliners


Jaccard Distance

Cosine Distance